Informality in industry and creative economy
a legalist-Austrian approach for the state of Rio Grande do Sul
Informality, Fashion industry, Creative economy, Austrian School of EconomicsAbstract
It is known that creative industries have informal activities and occupations inherent to their nature, some of which cause different effects on the economy. Given this fact, the present work's primary goal is to identify the elements, causes, and effects of informality in the creative sector utilizing a legalist approach, Austrian Economics, and symbolic capital. The main methodology is a bibliographic review of informality and its presence in the Creative Economy. It was possible to build strong operational concepts regarding the bridge between the legalist school and the Austrian School of Economics, perceiving state intervention, its laws, and regulations as harmful to the industry's economic development. This paper's foundation will serve as a basis for the propagation of quantitative research about entrepreneurs in the fashion sector and help study different creative sectors.
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