Scope and Editorial Policy
MISES: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, Law and Economics is the Instituto Mises Brasil academic journal.
It is an interdisciplinary journal whose mission is to ensure the publication of intellectual contributions by researchers who study the Austrian School and its applications in various areas of the social sciences including, but not limited to, economics, law, philosophy, management and entrepreneurship, history and sociology. The journal is published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. The online journal offers free and open access to its content through the website. All articles are published with active DOIs.
Goals and Editorial Policy
- To publish papers in the social sciences welcoming theoretical and conceptual contributions relevant to the Austrian School;
- Publish articles that, partially or totally, use the Austrian School to analyze the various aspects of reality;
- To stimulate debate on issues relating to the Austrian School and related topics;
- To promote the interdisciplinary approach of the Austrian School;
- Following centuries-old academic tradition, to stimulate respectful academic debate with other schools of thought, including those with diametrically opposed ideas, welcoming contributions that challenge the theories of the Austrian School. Thus, stimulating the improvement of concepts and theories within and beyond this school of thought with the aim of better understanding social phenomena;
- To serve as a vehicle for continuing and ongoing education on the principles of a free society and a free market.
There is no Article Processing Charge (APC)
Simultaneous submission to another journal is not allowed.
Manuscripts can be submitted in either Portuguese, Spanish or English. All grammatical and language revisions have to be done by the authors.
Submission process
Each manuscript is initially evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief or by another professional appointed by the Editor-in-Chief with regard to its relevance to the scope of the journal. In cases in which the manuscript is inadequate or incomplete, create a checklist with all the pending issues and forward it to the authors within thirty (30) days of the submission so that the authors can address these issues.
The revised version of the manuscript should be submitted by clicking on its title under ‘Active Submissions’. The files will be forwarded to one of the Adjunct Editors or to the Section Editor for selection and preliminary assessment and will be subsequently allocated to a reviewer, in accordance with the areas of expertise and specialization.
If the authors do not return the revised manuscript within the stipulated deadline, the process will be archived to avoid process inactivation in the database of the submitted manuscripts.