Murray Rothbard´s Monopoly Theory applied to the Brazilian Transport Sector

An overview




Monopoly, Austrian Economics, Regulatory abuse


The aim of this paper is to deploy the Austrian economic thought on monopoly to an ex-ante scenario, seeking other ways of state intervention that could create monopolies, in addition to well-known state concession. Therefore, we sought to identify regulatory costs and their indirect interference in the quantity of companies within industries, that creates a favorable scenario for the emergence of monopolies. Rothbard's (2009) proposition about the condition of the existence of monopolies is correct, but it can be complemented with an analysis of an indirect and unintentional creation of monopolies by the State.


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Author Biographies

Adriano Paranaiba, Instituto Federal de Goiás, Brazil

Transportation Ph.D. Economics BS. Professor at Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás (IFG)

João Fernando Rossi Mazzoni, Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA

Entrepreneurship Ph.D. Student, Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University. Economics BS (FEA-RP/USP), and Management MS (FEA-RP/USP).


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How to Cite

Paranaiba A, Mazzoni JFR. Murray Rothbard´s Monopoly Theory applied to the Brazilian Transport Sector : An overview. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 19 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];11. Available from:



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