John Maynard Keynes and Ludwig von Mises on Probability


  • Ludwig Van Den Hauwe



Probability, Mises, Keynes


As regards the views about probability of Ludwig von Mises, it is undeniably true that these display considerable nuance and that they can be considered as being of a sui generis variety. Even if Ludwig von Mises’s views on probability exhibit a closer conceptual affinity with Keynes’s philosophy of probability than with the frequency interpretation espoused by his brother Richard von Mises, an important difference between the views of Ludwig von Mises and those of John Maynard Keynes in this respect will nevertheless be acknowledged.


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Author Biography

Ludwig Van Den Hauwe

Ludwig Van Den Hauwe studied Laws and Philosophy before earning a Bachelor of Commerce and receiving degrees in Finance (MSc) from Vlerick Business School and Economics (PhD) from Paris Dauphine University. Being a former university researcher and having practiced international law for several years he has published on a variety of subject matters ranging from tax law to monetary theory and the methodology of the social sciences. He regularly participates as an invited speaker in international conferences on economic subject matters.


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How to Cite

Van Den Hauwe L. John Maynard Keynes and Ludwig von Mises on Probability. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];6(2). Available from: