A detour in the Road to Totalitarianism:
An extended review of the book “Causas y causantes del desastre económico en Venezuela. Un homenaje a Hugo J. Faría”
An extended review of the book “Causas y causantes del desastre económico en Venezuela. Un homenaje a Hugo J. Faría” (Causes and agents of the economic disaster in Venezuela. A tribute to Hugo J. Faría)
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CAPLAN, Bryan. Mises, Bastiat, Public Opinion, and Public Choice: What´s Wrong with Democracy? REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, Vol. 17, No. 1 (January 2005): p. 79-105.
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HAZLITT, Henry. The Road to Totalitarianism. In: On Freedom and Free Enterprise: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises. New Jersey, New York, Toronto and London: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1956.
HIGGS, Robert. Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government. Oakland: The Independent Institute., 1987.
HOPPE, Hans-Hermann. Democracy: The God That Failed. New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers., 2001.
HOPPE, Hans Hermann. A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute., 2010.
HUERTA DE SOTO, Jesús. The Ethics of Capitalism. JOURNAL OF MARKETS AND MORALITY, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Fall 1999); p. 150-163.
HUERTA DE SOTO, Jesús. The Theory of Dynamic Efficiency. London and New York: Routledge., 2009.
KEYNES, John Maynard. The Collected Writings. London: The Royal Economic Society, 1981.
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MISES, Ludwig von. Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2nd Ed., 1998.
OPPENHEIMER, Franz. The State: Its History and Development Viewed Sociologically. New York: Vanguard Press., 1926.
ROCKWELL, Llewellyn H. The Free Market Reader. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute., 1988.
ROTHBARD, Murray. The Ethics of Liberty. New York and London: New York University Press., 1982.
ROTHBARD, Murray. Mrs. Thatcher´s Poll Tax. Published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute on April 10, 2013. Available at <https://mises.org/library/mrs-thatchers-poll-tax>. Accessed on: August 4, 2018.
ROTHBARD, Murray. The Reagan Phenomenon. Published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute on January 29, 2011. Available at < https://mises.org/library/reagan-phenomenon>. Accessed on: August 4, 2018.
ROTHBARD, Murray. Rothbard: The Myth of Tax Reform. Published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute on October 20, 2017. Available at < https://mises.org/wire/rothbard-myth-tax-reform>. Accessed on: August 4, 2018.

How to Cite
Chávez Salazar ND. A detour in the Road to Totalitarianism:: An extended review of the book “Causas y causantes del desastre económico en Venezuela. Un homenaje a Hugo J. Faría”. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 25];. Available from: https://misesjournal.org.br/misesjournal/article/view/967
Special Issue 2018