Atlas revolution in the brazilian economy




economy, antitrust legislation, state intervention


This article aims to study the effects that state intervention has on economic growth and how this parallels the Brazilian society depicted in the book "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. It demonstrates how intervention generates bureaucracy, leading significant entrepAbstract: This article aims to study the effects that state intervention has on economic growth and how this parallels the Brazilian society depicted in the book "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. It demonstrates how intervention generates bureaucracy, leading significant entrepreneurs to distrust the national economic market, resulting in an intellectual exodus due to the state's interference in matters outside its purview. To underscore the importance of the free market, the article proposes an analysis of antitrust legislation and aspects of labor laws, revealing how such interference violates principles such as free enterprise and free competition. Additionally, this work is the culmination of research and studies conducted over the past five years, which have been updated and compiled to broaden the discourse on Rand's philosophical contributions and analyze their implications in the Brazilian economic landscape. Finally, it examines how such intervention can detrimentally impact the country's economic growth, precipitating an economic and social crisis that transforms Brazilian society into the chaos described by Ayn Rand refers to distrust of the national economic market, resulting in an intellectual exodus due to the state's interference in matters outside its purview. To underscore the importance of the free market, the article proposes an analysis of antitrust legislation and aspects of labor laws, revealing how such interference violates principles such as free enterprise and free competition. Additionally, this work is the culmination of research and studies conducted over the past five years, which have been updated and compiled to broaden the discourse on Rand's philosophical contributions and analyze their implications in the Brazilian economic landscape. Finally, it examines how such intervention can detrimentally impact the country's economic growth, precipitating an economic and social crisis that transforms Brazilian society into the chaos described by Ayn Rand.


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Author Biographies

Lorraine Laisla Cardoso dos Santos, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil

Formada em direito, advogada, pós graduada em Direito Público, pós-graduanda em Direito Eleitoral. Secretária de formação da Juventude Nacional do Partido Novo, Host do podcast do Instituto Damas de Ferro, atuante no movimento liberal/libertário desde 2021 e atua na Executiva estadual do Partido NOVO – SC, como coordenadora da região Oeste do estado. Atua como Assessora Jurídica na Associação Patronato Anjo da Guarda e da Associação Joaçaba de Esporte e Cultura.

Camilla Miranda de Souza, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Camilla Miranda, recém-graduada em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), escreve sobre política e sociologia para o blog do Instituto Damas de Ferro. Durante a graduação, participou de estágios internos e externos e fundou o projeto Sebo das Sociais, que arrecada fundos para atividades do curso. Atualmente, é revisora do projeto Traduzindo a Liberdade e atua na equipe de operações do Instituto Damas de Ferro, organizando eventos e programas.


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How to Cite

Laisla Cardoso dos Santos L, Miranda de Souza C. Atlas revolution in the brazilian economy. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];12. Available from: