Catholic Social Teaching and the Free-Market

convergence points


  • Andre Borges Uliano Universidad Francisco Marroquin/OMMA



free-market, economic liberalism, Catholic Social Teaching


This paper aims to analyze whether the free market and the lessons of the Catholic Church’s Social Doctrine are compatible or not. To this end, the study initially indicates the essential elements for the existence of a free market economy, according to liberal economic approach of mainline economics. Then, it analyzes each of these elements and what Catholic social teaching documents speak about them. The paper concludes that there is theoretical compatibility, but not identity, between economic liberalism and Catholic Social Doctrine, since it can be compatible with other economic systems too.


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How to Cite

Uliano AB. Catholic Social Teaching and the Free-Market: convergence points. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];7(2). Available from:



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