The Contribution of the "Guardians of Liberty" to the History of Liberalism

An analysis from the perspective of the austrian school of economics




Individual Autonomy, Economics, , Liberalism, Austrian School, Guardians of Liberty


This article proposes an in-depth investigation into the significant contribution of the "Guardians of Liberty" - notable women such as Ayn Rand, Isabel Paterson and Rose Wilder Lane - in the history of liberalism. The approach will be enriched by the Austrian School of Economics perspective, exploring how their ideas have shaped economic and political thought, promoting the principles of individualism, liberalism and freedom. The aim is to highlight the fundamental role of these women in defending anti-totalitarian ideas and how their contributions have influenced the evolution of economic thought over time up to the present day.


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Author Biography

Maria Eduarda Arruda Silva, Autônoma, Brasil

formou-se em Técnico em Administração pela E.E. Capitão Ovídio Lima em 2022 e é estudante em gap year aspirando a economista, empreendedora e líder. Pesquisadora autônoma em macroeconomia e neurociência aplicada à educação e IA, ela tem experiência em lecionar e co-fundou sua própria startup após a formação. Focada em soluções inovadoras para finance e data science e desenvolvimento de aplicações.


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How to Cite

Arruda Silva ME. The Contribution of the "Guardians of Liberty" to the History of Liberalism: An analysis from the perspective of the austrian school of economics. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];12. Available from: