How to Privatize the Post Office in The Light of Liberal Thinkers’ Ideas


  • Daniel Bastos Gasparotto N/A



Post Office, Privatization, Denationalization, Monopoly, Free Enterprise, Competition, Deregulation, Liberalism


The aim of this article is to highlight the concepts of privatization and denationalization, by approaching historical aspects and related international comparatives, through researches of other models and privatizations besides the current economic situation of the Brazilian Post Office, according to some data compiled by the Office of the Comptroller General – CGU. Privatization is analyzed in the light of liberal thinkers’ ideas, and, in the end, a practical solution is proposed for eventual privatization of the public company.


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Author Biography

Daniel Bastos Gasparotto, N/A

Daniel Bastos Gasparotto é formado em Direito, pós-graduado em direito notarial e registral, pós-graduando em direito civil empresarial. Atuou como advogado entre os anos de 2007 a 2010. Foi auditor fiscal concursado do Estado de Santa Catarina entre 2010 e 2018. Estudante autodidata em Economia, atualmente é tabelião e registrador de imóveis no Cartório do 1º Ofício de Abaetetuba/PA


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How to Cite

Gasparotto DB. How to Privatize the Post Office in The Light of Liberal Thinkers’ Ideas. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];6(2). Available from: