The intervention of urban legislation as of the example of uninhabited colonial houses in noble neighborhoods in São Paulo city





Intervention, Cities, Urbanization, Land use police


This article intends to address the consequences of the urban legislation intervention, analyzing its impact over the healthy growth of the cities. To illustrate it clearly, it will be analyzed the current situation of colonial houses which haven’t been either inhabited or underused in the Jardins’ region and surrounding areas, the pressure of groups of residents so as to maintain the rules besides the negative impact that the neighborhood causes to the rest of the city. In order to contextualize it, we will see a part of the story that tells how the urban legislation was made in the capital of São Paulo and it will help us understand the problems caused by it. We will also see, throughout the story, that the land use policies carried an excluding nature and that its use was related to the status quo maintenance.


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How to Cite

Ghizellini M. The intervention of urban legislation as of the example of uninhabited colonial houses in noble neighborhoods in São Paulo city. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];6(2). Available from:



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