The Austrians and the method

From criticism to positivism to the recall of the classical tradition


  • Marcelo Lourenço Filho Universidade de São Paulo



Austrian School of Economics, history of economic thought, economic methodology, Philosophy of science


Contemporary economic orthodoxy has a dual relationship with the methodology: at the same time that it does not debate themes related to the method, it denies recognition to those who do not follow its “official methodology”. This article aims to emphasize the importance of Austrians leading the methodological debate in Economics, highlighting their criticism of positivism and defending their own methodological posture, which is very close to the classical tradition. It Is also treated by the insertion of positivism in Economics, in which the epistemological problems of this analysis and the criticism of the Austrians are placed. Finally, there is a proposal of methodological posture for the austrians with the objective of expanding
the dialogue with orthodoxy and allowing an external criticism of it.


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How to Cite

Lourenço Filho M. The Austrians and the method: From criticism to positivism to the recall of the classical tradition. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];7(2). Available from:



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