The machine and dynamo

an analysis of liberalism as a meta-ideology applicable to revolutionary thought through the works “the discovery of freedom” and “the god of the machine”




Isabel Paterson, Rose Wilder Lane, Alexis de Tocqueville, Revolution, Liberalism


This article aims to broaden the concept of liberalism as a meta-ideology, presented by Scheffer (2023) to analyze the New Right, to the revolutionary ethos. This expansion will be based on the books "The discovery of freedom" by Rose Wilder Lade (1943) and "The god of the machine" by Isabel Paterson (1943). Furthermore, the French Revolution and the American Revolution were examined in order to provide comparative examples that distinguish the defense of liberty from the revolutionary ethos. Through this methodology, it was possible to identify a connection between the model of liberal society proposed by classical liberal thinkers and high trust societies, in which the revolutionary ethos proved incapable of reproducing and maintaining on its own.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Grego, Universidade de Campinas Unicamp, SP, Brasil

graduado em Engenharia de Controle e Automação pela Unicamp, e trabalha como desenvolvedor Android. Entusiasta da filosofia, história, teologia, e do liberalismo clássico brasileiro, tem André Rebouças como sua grande inspiração de liberal e de engenheiro.

Suellen Marjorry Souza Santos, Centro Universitário UNA, MG, Brasil

Bacharel em Direito (Centro Universitário UNA - 2018), Advogada, atuando nas áreas do Direito Civil, Direito do Consumidor e Direito das Sucessões, Revisora do Blog Damas de Ferro e Gestora do Ciclo de Formação do Instituto Damas de Ferro, Co-editora do livro Rose Wilder Lane: uma vida de liberdade – Autoria: Tailize Scheffer Camargo e Stephanie


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How to Cite

Grego P, Marjorry Souza Santos S. The machine and dynamo: an analysis of liberalism as a meta-ideology applicable to revolutionary thought through the works “the discovery of freedom” and “the god of the machine”. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];12. Available from: