Nothing outside the Constitution

brazilian law as organization




Law, Organization, Spontaneous order, Hayek, Constitution , Hayek, Constitution


Hayek's distinction between Law as a “spontaneous order” and Law as an “organization” is quite useful to understand one of the main problems of Brazilian law: the judicialization of social life, the understanding that nothing escapes the Law and, ultimately, to those who apply it. In part, this is due to the type of legal culture that has been installed in Brazil in recent decades and that has encouraged, through a successful plexus of theories, the constitutionalization of the legal order. Constitutional law has become more of a civilizing instrument and less of a mechanism for organizing political life. The consequence, according to Hayek's lessons, is the dissolution of private law and, therefore, the dissolution of liberty. Law is no longer conceived as something that arises from society and is intended for it, but as a project, a plan, even independent of the values ​​and practices of that same society. This is Law as an organization.


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How to Cite

Moreira P. Nothing outside the Constitution: brazilian law as organization. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];10. Available from: